Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Tale of the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Running Day and the Could Have Been a Whole Lot Worse Running Day

Due to a bronchitis scare, stomach issues, and family drama, I hadn't gone running in a very long time. When I went out for my group run on Saturday morning, I was hoping to accomplish 12 miles, or maybe at the very least 10. My running buddy was absent on Saturday, so I ran with my marathon mentor. The first few miles were fine, and it felt good to be quickening up my otherwise very slow pace. But then it happened. We did top of the park.

The top of Central Park is located in an area known in various locals as "the heights." Heights indicate -- you guessed it-- hills. We ran up what is known to Central Park peeps as The Great Hill. It is this incredibly long windy hill that ascends like crazy and winds. I made it up the hill, but it broke me. I could run no longer. I had to keep stopping, and walking, and eventually I just gave up. It was the first time I had real trouble with the idea of completing a marathon, and wondered if I could do it. It was the terrible no good very bad running day.

The next morning I was signed up to run the NYRR Gridiron Four Miler. It was a BEAUTIFUL day for running -- it was the first race I had ever run when the temperature was above 15 degrees. What a difference! Though it was a little bit more difficult than a four miler should have been, and my pace slowed down a little bit, it renewed my faith in my ability.

This Sunday I am going to be running the Bronx Half Marathon! I'm a little terrified, because family stuff and work stuff has kept me from running, but I'm hoping to knock it out.

1 comment:

M said...

Go for it B!!! I have faith in you :)