Sunday, March 8, 2009

...and then I fell down!

I think the universe is plotting against me. No. Really.

I was up and ready to go on Saturday morning to Team in Training group practice. I stroll leisurely over to the train, only to find out that N trains aren't stopping at my station, and I have to go deeper into Queens to get onto a Manhattan bound train. And then that Manhattan bound train would only take me to Queensborough Plaza, where I would have to switch to the 7 train. And then take that to Times Square, where I would need to switch for the uptown 1. And then go to Central Park.

Needless to say, despite my best intentions, I wasn't able to go to group practice. Although I hated letting Grande down, I decided to take advantage of the MOST BEAUTIFUL DAY EVER to go running in my neighborhood.

I took a nice run down by Astoria Park. I was about half way through my planned 15 miles when I fell down. I knew I was going to fall. The whole thing happened in slow motion. I think I may have yelled, "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Alas, I fell down. I skinned my knees. I skinned my elbows. I was covered in dirt. So I went home. Except I was 2.5 miles from home, so I had to run there. Bleeding. Looking like a moron. Yeah, it was cool.

I got some new yesterday, which you can check out here.

Also, CLEAR your calendars kids, because we're having a fundraiser at the Gin Mill on Friday, March 13th, from 4-7. $25.00 will get you a bracelet and an open bar!!! Come out and play and invite your friends!

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