Saturday, May 9, 2009

First Group Team Training

What a difference six months makes! When I went to my first TNT practice, it was actually about 21 degrees. It was VERY VERY VERY cold, and it was miserable. Or at least I thought it was.

This morning, for my first Fall Season training session, it was a balmy and very muggy 75 degrees. Running the 3.4 miles seemed like an eternity, even though I knew that I had run (run?) 26.2 only two weeks ago.

These were the first steps I have taken since the marathon ended. They weren't bad. I was able to go very fast for my first loop, but then VERY slowly for the second loop.

It was nice being "experienced" in terms of TNT. I like knowing what was going to happen at the first practice, and I also liked knowing that I could DEFINITELY completely 3.4 miles. It was fun being with a ton of people. Nothing rivals the excitement that is over 100 people gearing up to run a marathon! It was WILD!

I have NOTHING but excitement for this marathon!


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